A simple multipurpose bot for Discord written in Python with the Nextcord library. You can join our Discord server here.
Usage: .anime Lycoris Recoil
Usage: .manga Lycoris Recoil
Usage: .chr Takina Inoue
Usage: .mal orangc
Usage: .malstats anime orangc
or .malstats manga orangc
Usage: .season Summer 2022
Usage: .anisyn Lycoris Recoil
and .mangasyn Lycoris Recoil
Usage: /giveaway
An intuitive and simple to use module for managing giveaways.
Usage: /embed
Usage: remindme 10m watch lycoris recoil
Usage: .role add role user
, .role remove role user
Usage: .slowmode seconds/minutes/hours
, .lock
, .unlock
Usage: .userinfo user
, .serverinfo
, .roleinfo role
Usage: .mc
, .jp user
Usage: .afk reason
Usage: .ping orangc.net
Usage: /report user reason
This module will only work if a reports channel is set with /admin_report
Usage: .ban user
, .unban user_id
Usage: .mute user duration reason
, .unmute user reason
Usage: .warn user reason
Usage: .kick user reason
Usage: .setnick user new_nickname
Usage: .purge 42
The maximum number of messages you can purge is 100. You can also purge a specific user with purge user orangc 11
or bots with purge bots 17
Logs bans/unbans, mutes/unmutes, and kicks. If a modlog channel is set with /modlog channel
Also .case caseID
, .cases user
, .modcases user
, and modstats user
Usage: .fact
Usage: .joke
Usage: .avatar user
Usage: .neko
or .kitsune
Usage: .google search_term
Usage: .roll
This will roll a random number between 1-100.
Usage: .topic
Usage: .ubdict term
Usage: .8ball question
Usage: .define grass
This provides the dictionary definition for any word you query.
This module sends embeds for repository, pull request, and issue links.
Any message reacted with four or more of any reaction will get sent to the starboard channel.
Set triggers that the bot will respond to, with up to 30 per server. To get started type .help trigger add
Usage: mcstatus mc.orangc.net
Fetches the status of a Minecraft server.
Usage: mcskin orangci
Fetches and displays a Minecraft user's skin.
Usage: wynn player orangci
or wynn guild Lawful Good
Fetches and displays information about a Wynncraft player or guild in a neat little embed.